Hero U |
![]() Today was “Memorial Day” in the United States, a holiday devoted to remembering Americans who have died in war. We often extend this to remembering all armed forces veterans. My mother and father both served in the Navy during World War II – In fact, they met at a Navy event. Both thankfully survived their military service, although my father passed away five years ago. A sad memorial is also in order for the University of California, Santa Barbara students who were recently murdered. My son and I both attended UCSB, and Michael lived in Isla Vista where the murders took place. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of these victims. Many Kinds of HeroesThere are many kinds of heroes. One of the themes of all our games is being a hero by doing what is right. Every one of us gets many chances to decide whether we will be heroes, villains, or merely ordinary people. If you see someone getting hurt, do you run to help them, call the police, or simply look on? Phil Ochs wrote the song “Outside of a Small Circle of Friends” after an incident in New York City in which a woman was beaten and killed while many people looked on and did nothing. I have since read that some of them did call the police, but that they responded too late to help the victim. Could someone have helped that woman without becoming another victim? That’s hard to say. The real question is, what choice will each of us make in a similar situation. I include among the heroes everyone who takes a stand to make their communities better places. Heroism can be as simple as contributing to charity, donating blood, or donating your time to teach or to help with a community project. Being a hero can be immensely rewarding in personal joy and in friendships with other heroes. Heroes Harnessing the SunWe are rapidly approaching the crisis point in depletion of fossil fuel resources, in the shortage of fresh water, and in the loss of our polar ice caps to depleted ozone and global warming. These are not issues which we can simply ignore – We are running out of time. That is one reason why I was very excited to learn about the Solar Roadways project over on IndieGoGo. Our governments have been too tied up in political infighting to make serious progress on alternatives to oil. Instead, two individuals took a personal stand on this project and have already made great progress on it. This is absolutely amazing to me, and I count Scott and Julie in the rolls of true heroes. Lori and I have few financial resources while we work to finish Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption. Still, we chose to support the Solar Roadways project because it has a chance of really making a difference in the world. Please check out their campaign at https://www.indiegogo.com/ |
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Hero-U Project Update #52: Teaming With Talent
Tobiah Marks recently asked me to do a podcast for his “Be Indie Now” web series. For some insight into the indie development side of the Hero-U project, check out the result at http://www.tobiahmarks.com/
In case you missed it, Lori and I were also on Up at Noon with Greg Miller in February. You can view the show at http://www.ign.com/videos/
Chaos Can Be Cool
When Lori and I started working with Sierra in the late 1980’s, the company was very informal. We didn’t sit down in a conference room for meetings – There were no conference rooms. Instead, two or three of us would stroll on the roof of the building or around the parking lot until we knew how to solve the issue of the day.
A few years later, Sierra set up a one-day training session to help the middle managers to work better with our teams. I had been promoted to Programming Manager for the educational game group, so was invited to the workshop. For one of the exercises, the trainer took each of the team leaders aside and instructed us in the management style we should use. I was the Authoritarian manager – My assignment was to dictate every detail of the project and brush off any suggestions. The second team leader was Democratic – She was told to listen to the team and then direct the project. The final team was Laissez Faire – The team leader was to dither and not make any suggestions, nor do anything to promote the team members working together. It was pure anarchy.
The expected winner was of course the Democratic team, one in which there was solid leadership, but everyone had some agency. The *actual* winner on both technical and artistic criteria was the Anarchist team. The trainer was astonished. He said he had been running these workshops for over 20 years, and the Laissez Faire teams never won; they fell into chaos and got nothing accomplished. Why was our workshop different?
I looked at the trainer and said, “Anarchy? That’s pretty much the way we make all our games here. We thrive on chaos!”
Anarchy might not be ideal for getting a game out the door, but it does promote agency and creativity by every team member.
All Around the World
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption development is far more challenging than developing our games at Sierra. We didn’t start with a multi-million-dollar development environment hand-tuned for making adventure games. We don’t have any full-time team members because the budget doesn’t allow for them. Communication is sometimes difficult because our team members are located all around the world – Australia, Virginia, Florida, Connecticut, Washington, and several locations in California. How could we all work together effectively?
Sometimes the answer is unfortunately, “We can’t.” In those cases, we’ve dropped team members or they’ve left on their own. And sometimes we have temporary issues because long-distance communication is hard. We decided to use a multi-tiered approach to keeping everyone on the team “on the same page”.
The Sierra workshop provided part of the answer – If each team member is highly talented and motivated, we can trust them to do their parts of the job well and to infuse them with their own creativity and talent.
We are also taking advantage of several network technologies that didn’t exist in the 1990’s. We have two weekly team meetings via Google+ Video Chat. One is mostly for the artists, and one for programmers, but everyone is invited to both meetings. We use Google Drive and Dropbox to share documents, and Trello to track project tasks. Occasionally team members phone us with specific questions. For anything less urgent, we send email either to specific team members or to the entire team.

Agents for Good
Our approach is inefficient – I would never recommend it for a manufacturing operation. But it is workable for creating an original computer game. One of our artists remarked recently that he is really enjoying the sense of “agency” and creative freedom he has on Hero-U, as well as the lack of deadline pressure.
Yes, we could ship the game sooner if we insisted on tight deadlines, but we do not think that approach leads to great games or good team morale. Lori and I gave talks on “The Fun Factor” at early game developer conferences. One of our points was that the team must have fun – The attitude of the team comes through in the final game.
As it is, our team members frequently surprise and delight us with the little unscripted touches they have added to their work. John Paul Selwood painted an unexpected magical plant that we did not specify in one of the school offices. It is a perfect Easter Egg in the game, and I will have a great time writing descriptive text and player actions for it. Our latest art team member, Chris Willis, is doing a fabulous job imparting the right mood and detail into the Catacombs and other underground areas of the school. Paul Bowers and Eric Varnes have done a fantastic job creating backer portraits that will add to the game instead of being obtrusive.
We are basing an entire dungeon area on work from one of our high-tier backers. If we implemented his entire scenario, it would be a game by itself, so we adapted selected portions of his design to fit into Hero-U. This collaborative approach adds more richness to the game than we could invent by ourselves, and is stronger because we can adapt everyone’s work to fit our overall design framework.
Does the development approach affect the experience of playing the game? Yes, it does, absolutely! Read “How Music Works” by David Byrne (of the “Talking Heads” musical band) for some insight on how the environments of the performers and listeners/players change the music/game experience.
Agency, creativity, collaboration – A game is stronger when many creative minds are free to do their best work… as long as someone is there to make sure all of those great assets work together consistently.

Some Other Great Projects
Two of our favorite artist/writers – Phil and Kaja Foglio – are in the final days of a Kickstarter project to print the latest volume of their wonderful Girl Genius graphic novels. Consider supporting their creative efforts at https://www.kickstarter.com/

Mark of the Old Ones (https://www.kickstarter.com/
Jane Jensen, the creator and lead designer of Gabriel Knight, has completed Moebius, her first Kickstarter-backed adventure game. Read more about the project at https://www.kickstarter.com/
Incidentally, Gabriel Knight 3 contained one of the most infamous puzzles in adventure game history (unfortunately overshadowing the wonderful writing and better puzzles in the rest of the game and series). I’m spoofing it in one of the Hero-U puzzles just because I can.
Quest for Infamy, a project inspired by our own Quest for Glory series, announced a release date in its latest update (https://www.kickstarter.com/
More Hero-U Resources
In case you missed it, here are some other places you can read about and continue to support Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption.
- http://www.hero-u.net is the hub for game information and resources.
- http://www.hero-u.net/forum is the forum for discussing and learning about Hero-U and our previous games.
- Your friends can pre-order Hero-U at http://www.hero-u.net/hero_u_
preorder.html. Pre-orders help us fund current game development and have a smooth transition into the development of future Hero-U games. - You can purchase our cute and limited edition collectibles at http://www.hero-u.net/hero_u_
collect.html. All preorders and purchases help give us enough time and resources to make Hero-U a great game.
Thank you so much for your continuing belief and support of our efforts to make the world a little more Heroic, one game at a time.
Space Venture Project Update #95: May 1st Update: Sound design for the Nostrodomus explosion
Hey everyone! We are super excited about all the positive feedback involving the last update, which featured Nurb’s Landing. I’m really hoping to show you some more epic scenes like that in the near future.
Before I get into the goings on I wanted to say this. Just so everyone knows, we are working on a delivery date. We are not ready to give one yet. Please continue to be patient. Many people have made it VERY clear in our comments that they want to know when the game will be released. Don’t think for a second we aren’t aware of that.
Please just stay tuned. We know some of you are frustrated. We are working as hard and fast as we can, but are also pushing for a very high quality product that we know you’re gonna love. On the flip side, we are very focused and will NOT let anyone or anything cause us to put out a half baked product. The dates we are considering for release may not be as far out as some of you think. As you can imagine, we have one shot to make an amazing game. SpaceVenture will set the bar on quality for future games we try to release, and we aim to make it great and to leave you all wanting more!
The last couple of weeks we have made progress on some pretty cool things. A major push on Ace animations have been made as of late and we can now animate Ace doing everything from climbing walls and tip toeing around corners to dancing gangnam style if we want! We’ve also made major progress on some tricky puzzle work in the game. The Saving/Loading system for SpaceVenture has also gotten some love and it’s coming together nicely.
Ken Allen, composer from Space Quest 4 along with many other Sierra titles, not to mention our sound engineer and music composer for SpaceVenture has put together some really cool stuff for me to share with you on this update!
Remember this explosion scene we showed you awhile back?
http://youtu.be/5uBeGuvV07cKen spent some of his own personal time putting together a video of himself walking everyone through how he went about doing the sound design for that scene. This video is very informative and gives you a look into how he goes about picking the right sounds for the different scenes in the game.
We hope you enjoy his little tutorial! 🙂
http://youtu.be/GVyn79ThdtgThanks for all of your support everyone!
Chris Pope a.k.a your humble local intergalactic SpacePope