Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is coming to the Nintendo Switch! Silesia Games has done a fantastic job converting the game to work with the Switch interface – both joypads and the touch screen. You could say they needed to switch up the interface a bit. Or that it’s what we alway Nintendo’d to do. 😉
This is the Nintendo eShop page for Hero-U – https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/hero-u-rogue-to-redemption-switch/
We’ll have a pre-release sale starting on Feb. 2, one week before the Feb. 9 release date. Please help your Switch-wielding friends take advantage of the sale by letting them know about the great game you helped create!
If you’re in the gaming press, or know a game reporter, please help get the word out. We’re treating this as a new grand launch of Hero-U, a chance to share the game with many more RPG and Adventure players. I’ve updated our press page at https://www.hero-u.com/press/sheet.php?p=rogue_to_redemption for the Switch release.

Summer Daze Progress
We’ve (well, Dave Gilbert of Wadjet Eye has) finished the first round of voice recording, and we’re working with Cheeseness and Sawa to get the voiceovers into Summer Daze: Tilly’s Tale. We’re also setting up logistics for the Alpha test and handling test reports. Yes, it’s the all-engrossing spreadsheet phase of game development! Or one of the several spreadsheet phases.
We haven’t yet set a release date for Summer Daze: Tilly’s Tale. That will depend on feedback from alpha and beta testers, as well as the logistics of getting all the voices, music, and sound effects into the game. We’re trying for a May or June release, but we might delay that to ensure simultaneous launch on all platforms.
After all, with our New Hope on Twitch for Hero-U success on the Switch, we don’t want to switch horses in mid-Twitch-stream.