When Al Lowe was testing the game, he quickly grew tired of looking up the telephone numbers of all those girls so he made his birthday a substitute for any or all of them: 0724. Just take note – if you use that route, it bypasses the introduction portion of Leisure Suit Larry 2 (and if you’ve not watched it at least once – I would strongly recommend it!)
But, that said – now that you know Al Lowe’s birthday, he’s expecting a birthday card!
Note: This only works on the later version of Larry 2, version #1.002.000. It was released both on floppy disk and in the Larry Collections. If you have the original disk version #1.000.011, this cheat does not work. For those of you with that version, or if you’re interested in check out the ladies… Well… look no further than here…
Check out these fine ladies that you can find in Larry’s Black Book… Who knows how he got their number… But you can bet these women regret giving it out to him!

Inventory Cheat
If you access the game via the copy protection cheat (above), then you also can cheat in other ways. One is to obtain any inventory item at any time merely by typing “get object,” where you replace “object” with whatever you need.