Leisure Suit Larry 2 PDF
Leisure Suit Larry 2 TXT
The game starts outside of Eve’s house in Los Angeles. The arrow keys are used to move Larry around and commands are entered on the keyboard to interact with the environment. Start off by moving Larry into the garage and looking. Though nothing can be found in this part of the garage, move Larry right until he is out of view and then look again to see a dollar bill. This shows the importance of searching each area carefully to make sure nothing is missed. Get the dollar bill and it will be added to Larry’s inventory, which can be viewed at any time in the game by pressing ctrl + I. Larry’s score and rank will change with each significant action that is performed. Nothing happens when the maximum score is reached, but some sequences in the game are not seen if points are missed.
With the dollar in the inventory, walk out of the garage and travel north three screens and east two screens to arrive in an alley. Look through the hole in the fence and Larry will see a group of people playing Police Quest. There are lots of references to other Sierra games that can be found while playing this game. Another one can be found by looking at the alley: The message says that this looks exactly like the alley from the original Leisure Suit Larry game. Try walking behind the green bin as well for a different animation. Refer to the Easter Eggs and Secrets section for a full list of references and secrets.
Walk east one screen from the alley and enter the Quikie Mart. Walk to the front of the counter and buy a ticket from the clerk. Larry inserts the ticket into the lottery machine and is asked to enter six numbers between 100 and 999. It doesn’t matter what numbers are chosen, so just enter six random numbers to collect the completed lottery ticket. Exit the Quikie Mart, walk west three screens and go through the door at the top of the steps to enter the TV studio. Give the ticket to the receptionist. She can’t read the ticket as she has lost her glasses, so she tells Larry the correct numbers so that he can check them against his ticket. Write down the numbers that she mentions and then enter them to convince the receptionist that Larry has won the lottery.
The receptionist unlocks the door at the top of the room and Larry walks into the green room. Sit on the bench. After a few seconds, a man enters the room and tells Larry that he should be on stage now. Stand up and walk through the left doorway to enter the Dating Connection TV show. Larry realizes that this doesn’t look at all like how a lottery show should look. He decides to sit on the empty stool between the two other contestants to see what happens. The host of the show, Biff Barf, introduces Barbara Bimbo as the bachelorette. He then introduces the other contestants and mistakes Larry as Raguka Singh Soong.
Larry tries to protest but the host ignores him and moves swiftly on. With all the contestants introduced, Barbara asks two questions to the contestants. Barbara will hate Larry no matter what response is given to the questions, so answer them however you like. With the second question answered, Biff tells Barbara to make her dating choice. Biff says that the audience seem to have made her decision, and Barbara says that she has made her decision too. Biff mistakes the word ‘too’ for being her choice, and despite her protests he says that she can’t go back on her decision. The prize for the winners of the show is announced as being a one month cruise of the South Pacific on the U.S.S. Love Tub. Larry returns to the green room to receive his cruise ship ticket.
Sit back down on the bench. After a few seconds, a woman enters the room and tells Larry to follow him. Stand up and walk through the right doorway to enter the Lucky Life Lottery show. Larry steps up to the wheel and spins it. Spinning slower and slower, the wheel eventually lands on the highest prize. The host calls Larry over to the podium and Lanna Light presents him with a one million dollar bill. Larry returns to the studio lobby. Walk south to exit the studio Outside, walk one screen east and one screen south. Enter Molto Lira.
Even with a million dollars in his pocket, Larry can’t afford some of the items in this shop. Fortunately, there is a sale on at the back of the shop and the swimsuits have been reduced to $100,000. Get the swimsuit and then walk to the front of the counter to buy it. Larry hands over his million and after being taxed gets $893,500 back in return. Exit the shop. Outside Molto Lira, walk south one screen and wait for the jogger to appear. Although this action is not needed to complete the game, you can look at the jogger for an extra point. Another reference can also be found here by looking at the scenery. The message that appears says that the background looks like it belongs in Space Quest IV.
Walk west one screen and south one screen to return to Eve’s house. The garbage cans outside the house are now full and the garage has been closed. Look at the garbage cans. Larry will refuse the first time, so look at the cans again and he will see a passport in the pages of a magazine. Get the passport. Walk east two screens to arrive outside the Hairy Reams barber shop. Enter the shop and sit in the chair to have a haircut. Larry ends up looking exactly the same as when he went in, but pays the hundred bucks to the barber anyway. Exit the shop and walk north two screens and east one screen. Enter the drugstore.
Walk to the left side of the shop and get the sunscreen from the shelf. Larry won’t die if he tries to walk out of the shop without paying like he did in the original game, but a message will appear that stops him from leaving. Walk to the counter and pay the clerk for the sunscreen. Not having any change for the hundred dollars, Larry decides to show off his money and gives two hundred dollars to the unappreciative clerk. Exit the drugstore and walk north one screen to return to the street outside the Quikie Mart. Enter the shop.
Inside, fill the giant grotesque gulp cup and wait for it to fill. Larry wonders how he is going to fit the cup into his inventory before realizing that this is a game and puts the whole thing into his pocket. Unlike the clerk in the drugstore, the clerk here reacts violently if you try to leave without paying. She goes as far as jumping on top of the desk in a cowboy outfit and shooting Larry dead as he walks out the door. There are many death sequences in the game, so it’s important to save frequently before trying anything new. Pay the woman for the grotesque gulp and then walk south to exit the Quikie Mart.
Walk west three screens and south one screen to see the music shop, which Larry notices is finally open. Enter the music shop and talk to the woman at the counter. Larry’s attempts at chatting up the woman are actually misunderstood by her to be secret passwords from an agent. As Larry continues to talk to her, she is so convinced that Larry is the agent that she hands over a Peruvian onlunk with a microfiche inside, and says that it must be delivered to Dr. Nonookee. Larry takes the onklunk and exits the shop. Outside, a man at the side of the car notices Larry and starts to follow him through Los Angeles.
Seconds after Larry disappears from view, a man that looks identical to Larry enters the music shop and uses the same passwords that Larry used earlier on. When it turns out that the onklunk has already been given away to the wrong person, the man tells her to send agents out to catch Larry. We rejoin Larry on a street one screen north from the barber shop. You can try returning to the music shop, but it has already been closed with a sign announcing that there will soon be an out of business sale. From the street, walk east one screen, south one screen and east one screen to arrive at the harbor.
Before leaving Los Angeles, it is important to make sure that you have obtained three of the essential items: The swimsuit from Molto Lira, the sunscreen from the drugstore and the grotesque gulp from the Quikie Mart. Without these items, Larry will not be able to progress to the island resort. Show the ticket to the purser behind the gate and he will tell Larry that his cabin is on the bottom deck at the rear of the ship. Larry passes through the gate and moves east to the gangplank. Continue north-east to the top of the screen to board the ship.
2.2. Cruise Ship
After the cut-scene where Larry stares out to sea wondering if he will ever find his true love, the scene changes to a map. Larry visits other locations on the ship by moving around this map. For now, walk east to enter the cabin on the bottom deck of the ship. Open the right door to visit the next cabin. The woman sitting on the bed explains that she is Barbara Bimbo’s mother. Barbara decided not to go on the cruise with Larry after his terrible performance on the dating show, so her mother decided to borrow her ticket and go on the cruise herself. Mama is more dangerous than she appears, and it is a very good idea not to go anywhere near her unless you have saved your game first. I would also recommend making a series of saved games at this point and keep saving on a different one each time, as there are many places where Larry can die on the cruise ship.
Walk west to Larry’s cabin and then walk back into Mama’s cabin to see that she has left the room. She can return at any time, so Larry will need to be quick in here. Open the nightstand drawer at the side of the bed and get the sewing kit from inside. Return to Larry’s cabin and get the bowl of fruit from his nightstand. Walk behind the closet and wear the swimsuit. This is one of three essential items that must have been obtained in Los Angeles, as Larry will not be able to progress further without it. Restore a previously saved game in Los Angeles if you don’t have it. Exit Larry’s cabin to return to the map. Climb up the first two sets of steps by pressing the Page Up key. At the top of the second set, walk east to the end of the deck to enter the swimming pool area.
The sunscreen from Los Angeles is the second essential item that is needed on the cruise ship, and you will need to restore a Los Angeles save game if you didn’t pick it up from the drugstore. Use the sunscreen on Larry and then lie on the empty deck chair. After a few seconds, a blonde will walk into the pool area to talk to Larry. The chances of a beautiful blonde woman walking up to Larry and inviting him back to her place without some other motive is very low, so decline her offer by staying on the deck chair until she leaves.
If you do decide to follow the blonde, save the game first and be prepared for a long death scene on Nontoonyt Island. Once the woman has left the area, stand up from the deck chair and walk into the pool. Larry has adapted the typical classic Sierra approach of not swimming until you tell him to, so quickly type swim before he drowns. Dive into the water and swim down to the bottom-left corner of the pool to get the bikini. Larry only has a few more seconds before he runs out of air, so quickly swim back up to the surface of the pool. Climb out of the pool and use the sunscreen again. Exit the pool area and return to Larry’s cabin at the bottom-right corner of the ship.
When climbing down the stairs this time, use the End key to walk diagonally down them. Now hopefully when you return to the cabin, Larry will stand still awaiting the next command. If a message appears that nighttime has fallen, then Larry has not been quick enough since arriving on the ship and one of the many cruise ship death scenes will occur. Walk behind the closet, wear the leisure suit and then exit the cabin for the last time. This is, fortunately, the last time we will ever be at risk from Mama in the game. Providing you have got the sewing kit from her room and have already changed into the leisure suit after returning from the pool, there is now no need to return. If you haven’t yet done both of these things, make sure to do them now, as the longer you leave it the more chance there is of the nighttime cabin death scene occurring.
When ready to continue, walk up the three sets of steps to the restaurant at the top of the ship. You can try sitting on the bar and talking to the woman and the bartender, but Larry gets no helpful response from either. Yet another cruise ship death scene can be seen here by buying a drink from the bartender as he is secretly a KGB agent in disguise, but as usual make sure you save the game first before trying this. Get the spinach dip from the left side of the bar and then exit the restaurant. The next location we need to travel to is the barber shop, which can be found by walking left from the bottom of the steps. Sit in the chair and wait for the barber to give Larry the $10,000 wig. Larry only wears the wig for a few seconds before taking it off, but fortunately for him he keeps it in his inventory as it will soon become a very important item.
Back on the map screen, climb up the steps just outside the barber shop and walk left at the top to enter the bridge. The captain of the ship won’t notice Larry, so walk behind his chair and move the switch on the right to start the lifeboat timer. Don’t walk to the north doorway, as a KGB agent will enter the room to try and shoot Larry. He misses Larry, but his bullet hits the captain instead and the cruise ship crashes into a reef. Exit the bridge and go down the steps, then walk east along the top deck and go up the next set of steps. About quarter of the way up the steps, walk west to arrive on the upper deck of the ship near the lifeboats. Larry started the lifeboat drill by moving the lever in the bridge, which has caused the cruise ship to come to a standstill. Jump into the lifeboat and it will be lowered into the water. As soon as Larry starts to drift away from the ship, wear the wig and throw the spinach dip.
This next small section of the game shows Larry’s ten days adrift on the lifeboat. You have no control over the game at this point, so Larry’s survival depends on things that you have done previously. On the fourth day, a message will appear saying how hot the sun is. If you remembered to use the sunscreen on Larry after he left the pool area, the game will continue. On the fifth day the sun is even hotter, but Larry will be fine as long as he is wearing the expensive wig that he purchased from the barber shop. On the sixth day, Larry becomes thirsty and drinks the grotesque gulp that he bought from the Quikie Mart in Los Angeles. On the seventh day, Larry becomes hungry. If he has the spinach dip at this point, Larry will eat it and die. Without the dip, Larry will use a safety pin and thread from Mama’s sewing kit to catch fish. Three days later, Larry survives a storm and arrives on an island resort.
2.3. Island Resort
After a long message congratulating us on having survived up to this point in the game, Larry stands up with a much smaller inventory than he had before the lifeboat ride. Luckily, he managed to keep a hold of the remaining money, and also still has the bikini top, onklunk and passport. Walk south from the beach to enter the jungle. Each time that Larry arrives in the jungle, he will spend some time exploring before eventually appearing in a set location. The order to the locations is the restaurant, guest room, barber shop and the beach. It is possible to skip the jungle exploration from the second time that Larry visits the jungle. For now, just pick up the flowers in the middle of the area and wait for Larry to explore. Larry eventually finds his way to the restaurant.
Talk to the Maitre d’ and he will tell Larry to sit in the chair while he finds a place for him. Sit in the chair and wait while the Maitre d’ welcomes ten other guests before returning to Larry. As all of the tables are now taken, the Maitre d’ sets up a much smaller table for Larry. Larry will die if he eats the food from his own table, so have a look at the buffet toward the bottom-left corner of the room instead. Larry can safely eat from the food at the buffet, so have a slice of cheese if you want before taking the knife and leaving the restaurant. Back in the jungle, you can now skip the long exploration sequence by typing “exit”. This time, Larry travels to a guest room.
Get the book of matches from the nightstand at the bottom-left corner of the bed and the bars of soap from the bowl in the bathroom. Around this time the maid will enter the room to check with Larry if everything is alright. You can tell her that everything is not alright by saying no, but oddly you can’t tell her that everything is fine as the game doesn’t understand it. If Larry says no, she will ask him if he wants something that is not on the room service menu. This definitely sounds like another death scene invite, and true enough, it is. Test it out by saving the game and then laying the maid. In this case, it is not the KGB that Larry is in danger of but the maid’s brother, who shoots Larry when he finds him in the bed. Providing you now have the matches and the soap, exit the room and skip the jungle to enter the barber shop.
Sit in the chair and Larry will ask the barber if there is anything he can do about his receding hairline. After pouring laundry detergent over Larry’s head, Larry stands up from the chair with long blonde hair. Exit the shop to return to the jungle. From this point on, Larry will spend a lot less time exploring the jungle and finds the exit after only three wrong turns. It is still a lot quicker to exit the jungle however. After returning to the beach, walk west one screen to the nudist beach and get the bikini bottom on the rock. You can talk to the sunbathers on the beach but there is nothing else to do in this area, so walk east one screen and then go south to return to the jungle. Skip to the restaurant, then go to the jungle and exit again to return to the guest room.
Walk into the dressing area at the top-right corner of the room and wear the bikini. Put the soap in the bikini to make Larry look like he has fake breasts and then exit the guest room. Skip past the jungle scene to return to the barber shop. Larry now has long blonde hair, a bikini and fake breasts, but at this point he will still be caught by the KGB agents on the beach when he tries to leave the resort. It’s time to add the final addition to Larry’s disguise. Sit in the chair and Larry will ask the barber to remove his body hair. After a painful waxing session, exit the barber shop and skip the jungle to return to the beach. Walk east two screens to pass by the agent and arrive at the cliff.
Despite the dangerous look of this area, it is not possible for Larry to die here. He will even get an extra point each time that he falls, although these will all be taken away when he arrives at the airport. Continue down to the bottom of the path and save the game when Larry is on the final section. Walk around the corner and watch the messages that appear. As soon as the second message appears saying that Larry has escaped from the wonderful tropical resort, quickly press enter and then wear the suit before the next message appears. If this is not done quickly enough, Larry will arrive outside the resort in the bikini and will not be able to return to the cliffs to change into his suit, and the guards will arrest him when he gets near.
2.4. Airport and Plane
Having escaped the resort and successfully managing to avoid the guards standing by the pillars by wearing the disguise, Larry can still manage to die outside the airport by walking toward the dancing agents at the door. Stand one tile away from the agents and give them the flower from the jungle. They will be so confused by Larry’s gift that they both exit the area. Walk through the doors to enter the airport, where it seems that Larry won’t be buying a plane ticket in a hurry due to the large queue of people. We will find a way to shorten the queue later, but for now just walk west one screen and enter the barber shop.
Look at the woman in the shop to see Rosella from King’s Quest IV. Sit in the chair and she restores Larry’s hair to its original form. Larry is upset that he has lost his long golden hair, so Rosella gives him a bottle of highly flammable hair rejuvenator as a consolation. Exit the barber shop and walk east two screens to the customs inspection station. Show the passport to the customs agent behind the counter and go through the right gateway to enter the x-ray area. Watch the screen in front of the sleeping man. The contents of various cases pass by that Larry can open. When you see the green suitcase pass by, open it to find a bomb. Larry tries to run outside but only makes it to the entrance before the bomb explodes. The explosion scared off the queue of people waiting for tickets, leaving only the ticket agent behind the counter.
Buy the ticket from the agent and wait while Larry is asked lots of questions about his flight. After the agent finally gives him his ticket, walk east one screen and show the passport again to the customs agent. Pass through the gate and walk east one screen to see the snack bar. As with the cruise ship, it is very easy to miss an essential item here and continue on with the game only to find yourself completely stuck later on. You are also timed, and the game will end if you don’t make it to the departure lounge before the plane leaves, so it is a good idea to save the game now in case you need to return here. Buy the food from the waitress to order the Blue Pate Special. She returns with Larry’s food, which on closer inspection has a bobby pin in it. Death scenes are still common even in the airport, so just take the bobby pin from the plate and leave the food alone. Walk to the red machine at the bottom-right corner of the room and buy a parachute from it. There is nothing else to do in this room, so walk onto the right moving walkway to make the long journey to the waiting room. Get the pamphlet from the left side of the counter and then show the ticket to the flight attendant. She tells Larry to hurry as the final call for the flight has been made. Walk along the jet-way to enter the plane.
Inside the plane, the stewardess warmly welcomes Larry to the plane and asks to see his ticket. Noticing Larry’s ticket, her attitude changes and she tells Larry to sit on the left side of the second compartment. As Larry walks through the plane, the seating ranges from lots of space in the first cabin to being so cramped that Larry can barely squeeze into the seat. The stewardess appears to give a safety talk and the plane then takes off. A man sitting next to Larry turns to him and says that he recognizes him from Lefty’s Bar, which was a location in the original Leisure Suit Larry game. Larry refuses to listen to any of his jokes and so the man turns back to the front and sits in silence. A quick look around will reveal that there is a crumpled airsick bag in the pocket of the seat in front of Larry. Take the bag. If Larry attempts to stand up now, a stewardess will appear on either side of the room and Larry will be unable to leave. Give the pamphlet from the airport waiting room to Ken and the stewardesses will stop serving their drinks. Stand up and walk east one screen to enter the smoking cabin. Walk to the bottom-right corner of the room and use the bobby pin on the door. You can’t see the door from where Larry is standing, so you may have to move him around before he is able to interact with it. Move the handle at the side of the door but don’t open it yet. Wear the parachute, and now open the door to be sucked out of the plane. While falling through the sky, use the parachute to float down to Nontoonyt Island.
2.5. Nontoonyt Island
After surviving the fall from the plane, Larry finds his parachute caught high up in the branches of a tree. Use the knife on the rope and Larry will fall to the forest floor far below, breaking the onklunk when he lands. Get the stick at the top of the area and then start walking down to the path at the bottom of the area. Save the game at this point, as Larry needs to walk down far enough to crawl under the bush, but must make sure not to go so far that he makes the swarm of killer bees aware of his presence. Walk south one screen from the other side of the bush to see a snake in the middle of the tree. Save the game again and then walk toward the tree. As soon as the snake is about to strike, use the stick to put it in the snake’s mouth. Walk east one screen.
Larry enters the quicksand area just in time to see a monkey disappear off the edge of the screen. The monkey was walking on the light path through the area, which is the only safe place to cross the quicksand. Be prepared to save and restore frequently, as even though the light path is visible it is still easy to step off into the quicksand. In the next area, a brook is running below the canopy of the jungle. Though it looks peaceful, there are piranhas in the brook that will kill Larry if he stands in it. Set the speed to slow and swing on the vine in the middle of the rock. As soon as Larry starts to swing on the vine, swing for the next vine. If Larry doesn’t reach quickly enough, he will fall into the brook. Swing on the next two vines and Larry will land on the ground on the other side of the brook. Get the vine and walk east to exit the area.
Larry arrives on a beach and sees a beautiful woman waving to him from a pool. She walks closer and after introducing herself as Kalalau, tells Larry that she lives in a small village near the beach and that she would love to go out on a date with him, but can’t as they have to get married first. When Larry mentions that she get married tonight, she tells him that the village elders have stopped all marriages from taking place until Dr. Nonookee has left the island. According to Kalalau, Nonookee has set up in his base at the top of the volcano and has created a glacier that prevents anyone from visiting. Setting out the background for Leisure Suit Larry 3, Kalalau tells Larry that Nonookee has stopped her people from completing a deal with a large hotel business that had planned to turn the entire island into a tourist trap. After a brief pause, Larry tells Kalalau that he will rid the island of Nonookee’s presence.
Kalalau takes Larry back to her village where he is introduced to her father. Chief Keneewauwau, who seems to instantly have a passionate dislike for Larry that continues into the next game, says that Larry must prove himself to be a real man before he can marry Kalalau. Larry must first prove himself by writing a short program on a PC in assembly language. Seconds later, Larry shows his working operating system to the chief and passes the first part of the test. Keneewauwau then takes Larry to a secret path that leads to the base of the volcano. After telling Larry once more that he will allow Larry to marry his daughter if he defeats Nonookee, the chief leaves to return to the village.
After that long sequence, we are finally in control of Larry again. Walk south, east and then south to return to the beach where Kalalau was first seen. Get the sand. Walk west one screen to return to the village and get the ashes from the middle of the area. Walk west and then north to return to the chasm. Use the vine on the branch of the tree. If you didn’t get the vine, you can still return to the jungle by walking south from the beach. Larry will automatically swing across this vine and jump off on the other side. Walk north one screen to see the walls of the glacier on either side. Larry can’t climb up the steps as they are too slippery, so we need to melt them first. Use the ashes from the village on the ice. Walk north to arrive at the summit of the volcano.
Stand at the left side of the crevice and save the game. You now need to put the bag in the bottle of hair rejuvenator, but due to a programming error the game is extremely picky about how you type it. If you tell Larry to put the bag IN bottle, Larry will correctly put the airsick bag in the bottle and hold onto it. If you tell Larry to put the bag INTO bottle, Larry will drop the bottle into the crevice and the game will end. Use the matches on the bag and Larry will now be holding a bottle with a burning wick. If you wait too long, the bottle will explode and Larry will die, so quickly drop the bottle into the crevice. After a few seconds, the bottle will explode and the elevator door will be blasted open. Walk into the elevator to complete the game.
In the ending, Larry falls down the elevator shaft and lands in Dr. Nonookee’s piano bar. In the room are four of the KGB agents that have tried to capture Larry throughout the game. Larry rolls into the room, spins around on the chandelier and accidentally presses the self-defense control panel on the wall. As Larry is about to stand up, he falls onto the auto-fire button and causes laser beams to fire around the room. One of the lasers hits a marble column and falls onto the grand piano, which causes it to launch off its base and land on Nonookee. Larry recovers the women from their hypnotic trance and quickly asks them where the phone is. Dialing for help, Larry gets in touch with a crew of people down on the Nontoonyt beach that are filming for their magazine. They agree to help Larry if he can send a signal to show them where he is.
Remembering that Nonookee used to create a cloud around the volcano, Larry presses everything he can on the fog machine and is carried off to the by the native women. Before he leaves, Larry notices one woman sitting alone on the chair where the piano used to be. She says that her name is Polyester Patti and that she will play a big part in the next game. After being dropped to the bottom of the stairs by the native women who decide to find an alternate route out of the volcano, Larry boards the helicopter and is flown to the beach where he is reunited with Kalalau. Larry returns to the village to be married. The witch doctor invites Larry into his barber shop and creates a preparation for Larry’s hair that makes him look young again. In the final scene, Larry and Kalalau run along the beach while the volcano erupts in the background.