Under Ken & Roberta’s new company –

And if you’re wondering why they went with Colossal Cave for their game… This might explain it…

Under Ken & Roberta’s new company –
And if you’re wondering why they went with Colossal Cave for their game… This might explain it…
AT&T Unlocked Games Winner Reveal Stream Tuesday at 5 pm PST – Lori is a finalist!
AT&T recently started a competition for women game developers that they call “AT&T Unlocked Games.” We entered their second competition last November, and were thrilled to learn that Summer Daze at Hero-U: Tilly’s Tale has been chosen as one of the six finalists!
The winners will be announced during a livestream on Tuesday, March 8 starting at 5:00 pm PST on the ATT Twitch channel – Twitch.tv/ATT. We need a great turnout of Hero-U fans to help Lori win the Gamer’s Choice prize and to encourage AT&T to continue running this great competition. And of course to learn about the other five great indie games being developed by women!
Here’s AT&T’s teaser trailer for the event:https://youtu.be/zXhTsG7chL0
Our next development stream will be on Saturday, March 19 at 2 pm PST. I originally announced this Saturday, March 12, but we have a “real world” conflict that day. I plan to continue playing the AGD remake of Quest for Glory 2: Trial By Fire. As I stopped on day 1 last time, maybe we can make it to day 2. 🙂