Hello backer buddies, got a fun update for you on a major part of SpaceVenture coming together.
Nurb’s Landing is a small outpost built into an alcove of a large asteroid floating among other large islands of fractured planet. You’ll be visiting this area to help Ace out with some parts needed for a ship he’ll be working on. This area of the game also features a “local watering hole” in which Ace can visit and get caught up with some of his friends. Nurb’s has been on Mark and Scott’s radar since the beginning and along with game play, there’s a lot of great script comedy that will happen.
As for the artwork you see here, things are still in the works, it’s not 100% polished, but its in a state for us to show you at least. To be honest though, Mr. Mark Crowe is never happy even when things are finalized artwork wise, but with enough begging, he finally agreed to let this one out in the open. 🙂 The background rock formations for example will be updated to match the rest of the artwork in the game.
This is a part of the game that I know you are all gonna love. It will give you that “Monolith Burger” and “Galaxy Galleria Mall” kinda feel! Another cool piece of info about this area in the game is you’ll get to revisit it when you want for the most part. We want certain locations in the game to have a free roam kinda feel like you had in Space Quest 3 and 4. As a side note, some of our backer easter eggs will be happening here as well.
We also wanted to share a little of the concept art that got put together before hand to let you see how it all started. The below image was the very first rough concept drawing Mark did of Nurb’s landing. It was done while he sat at a bar on the back of a napkin.. okay not really. 😉

After we got the concept art to look at, a mockup was put together to get a feel for the walkable areas. These mockups come in handy when it comes time to create the more polished version of the artwork for the scene.

Although the inside of Nurb’s is in the works, I wanted to also show you another early piece of concept art. Keep in mind this is over a year old, whether or not Mark will allow me to show the polished artwork for this.. well we’ll see. 😉
Nurb himself is actually a full blown 3D model. We have a video showing off Nurb that I’m hoping to show you all eventually as well, so stay tuned for that!

If you haven’t already heard, Sierra alumni Jane Jensen has just released her Kickstarter funded game, Moebius! Published by Phoenix Online Studios.
Phoenix Online Publishing has also been kind enough to offer you all a 20% off coupon to buy Moebius through their online store. Just visit http://store.postudios.

We wanted to give out a special plug for The Sierra Chest website. It is packed FULL of everything there is to know about Sierra On-Line. Visit http://SierraChest.com

“The wait is over! (You WERE waiting, right?) This is the 12th and final episode of this season of The Space Quest Historian. Yes, we’re doing seasons now. The podcast will be going on a short hiatus while season 2 is being planned. Stay tuned on Twitter @SpaceQuestNet and on www.spacequesthistorian.com for information on the new season. But for now, settle back and enjoy a very special season finale featuring some very special guests – including return appearances from SteveBot, Chuck Clusterbluck and Pete Toleman. And a bunch of other people (thank you, everyone!). And of course we will be continuing Josh Henry’s epic tale of Sierra fandom heroism, as read by the author himself. And also a very special treat: A 1,000 word excerpt of a new long-form Space Quest fan fiction story, written by Akril, and read by the great Joe Cassara – it’s a Space Quest Historian Exclusive! Thank you for listening, everyone, and I will see you around the chronostream!”

Thanks for all of your support everyone!
Chris Pope a.k.a your humble local intergalactic SpacePope