Collector of The Sierra Help Pages has posted the classic Sierra Holiday Cards that were once available! You can go here to check them out or go here to talk about them! (Or thank Collector, who has done so much for the Sierra Community!)
Collector of The Sierra Help Pages has posted the classic Sierra Holiday Cards that were once available! You can go here to check them out or go here to talk about them! (Or thank Collector, who has done so much for the Sierra Community!)
Back in 2008, on this very day – LarryLaffer.net was born!
It’s gone through a lot of different face lifts over those years! (A guy has to keep himself looking fresh, don’t you know?)
Check out the #KingsQuest trailer!
Read this amazing article about the history of erotic computer gaming, which in many ways, led to the eventual creation of Leisure Suit Larry. Not only that it has some great photos of Roberta in a hot tub! Hubba! Hubba!