Happy new year everyone! We know this update is late coming. The end of the year went slower than we had hoped, even with all the pushing we did to finish things up. We wanted to give a status update as well as show more of the voice over for SpaceVenture. This update will contain a couple of interviews with the cast, as well as show more of the VO in the actual game.
Currently, we have been plugging VO into the game, but still have a ways to go to get it to the polished phase. The game previously went through the first round of beta testing. Our beta testers gave us some great feedback as to what needed to change in order to make the game play better. We are trying to make sure we focus on fixing all the main issues that beta testers brought to our attention. Soon we will begin the second round of beta testing to find out how the game is feeling in the state it is in now. How this plays out will effect release date. We are very optimistic on getting the game into everyone’s hands over the coming months.
Thank you all for your continued patience!
First off, if you missed the last VO update we posted on Kickstarter, you can view it HERE
The below video is another demonstration of some of our voice over in action within SpaceVenture. This clip, VO of Ace(played by Maurice LaMarche) and iMom(played by Ellen McLain) having a little back and forth here at the beginning of the game. We hope you’ll get some of the humor and references that were thrown in. https://youtu.be/PmEQaB2jY6E
This video clip is taken from the Nurbs Landing Bar. Ace(played by Maurice LaMarche) hooks up with his buddies, Url(played by Rob Paulsen), and Nurb(played by John Patrick Lowie). We definitely still have some fine tuning and polish that needs to be done with some of the mouth movements, but we hope you all will enjoy a quick look at how this is coming along. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW9FAc6mOuo
Prepare to get this song stuck in your head!
The below video features vocals by Rob Paulsen, Jason Charles Miller, and John Patrick Lowrie.
The lyrics were written by Mark Crowe.
We’re Three habaneros
Three gay habaneros
We love to sing for you in our sombreros
We welcome you our winner
Free Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
And though your meal is free, does not include gratuity
Our tacos HOLY MOLE!
Much better than Chipotle
and you don’t have to worry ‘bout e-coli
Our spices are atomic
explosive, Gastronomic
our salsa is so potent it will make you hypersonic
Oh please try our chingadero
Deep fried in it’s own bowl,
made with our special dough
So crunchy and spicey
but not all that pricey,
it’s three times as nicey
When you get it to go.
We’re Three habaneros
Three gay habaneros
We love to sing for you in our sombreros
We’ll sing for you all day but to stop us you must pay.
Yes, here at Taco Nova it’s the customary wa-aay.
Without spoiling too much in the video, we’ll tell you this. Ace arrives in Taco Nova to refuel(in more ways than one) and ends up being the one billionth customer, which triggers the “Three Haberneros” to begin serenading him. There is a puzzle here that you’ll need to figure out in order to get them to stop singing to you.https://youtu.be/6dBeyI2ASvs
I would also like to give a plug to James Mulvale for putting together and performing the music for this song. We gave James a rudimentary idea of what we wanted, and he knocked it out of the park. James also created an 8-bit version of the song that you will hear when you play the Pepper Pals arcade machine you see in the scene. Yes that’s right, that is an actual playable arcade machine in a SciFi fast food joint, sound familiar?
If you’re not familiar with James, you should definitely check out his work at https://www.jamesmulvale.com/. If you have little kids in your household, James(and his wife) most recently started writing/performing children’s music that involves some cool crafts for kids and sing along songs. It’s called “Sweetypies” and you can check it out HERE
For all of you guys that backed at $30 and up, we have a little extra behind the scenes for you to check out. Over at the SVRewards.com site, you can login and check out some special versions of the Three Habeneros song. Including an instrumental version, along with Rob Paulsen, John Patrick Lowrie, and Jason Charles Miller singing all three habenero parts solo.
NOTE: If you forgot your login info for SVRewards, there is a password reset link. If you still have problems, please DO NOT post in the comments, or message through Kickstarter. Please email: pcjjenks AT gmail DOT com
Click the image below to visit the SVRewards website diary post. Remember that once the game ships, all the diary behind the scenes stuff will be made available to all backers.

Ellen McLain was kind enough to have a little sit down with me(Chris Pope) during our VO session with her. You may have heard Ellen as GLaDOS in the legendary Portal series that was released by Valve a few years back. Ellen is also known for her work in Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead, and DOTA 2. https://youtu.be/EqZ2oyTHBhU

John Patrick Lowrie and I also had a nice discussion about his experiences at being a singer, writer and voice actor in the entertainment industry. John is probably most well known as the voice of the Sniper in Team Fortress 2, but you may have heard his voice in lots of games over the years, including DOTA 2. https://youtu.be/7PIlwedBhQ8
We still have more actors and videos to showcase, including Robert Clotworthy, Vince Caso, Melanie Stone and Jake Stormoen. Stay tuned!

First up, we wanted to thank everyone who contributed to Scott’s GoFundMe campaign. With your help, we made the goal pretty quickly! Thank you also for your thoughts and prayers as well. Scott is moving forward and though he has hurtles he’s still facing, he has made it through the first part of his cancer challenges. Please continue to send thoughts and prayers his way as he continues his battle.

If you’ve been living under an asteroid and haven’t heard, Lori and Corey Cole(makers of the Quest for Glory series) have released their new game, “Hero U”. If you haven’t already checked it out, you should! It’s getting great reviews!
Here are some links of interest: Hero U Website: http://www.hero-u.com/
YouTube video explaining “Why you should buy”
To those in the comments saying that the game will never ship. We get it. We’ve heard you, but we hope you all realize a few things. We are all real people with real lives and families. I can promise you 100% that we have worked very very hard these years to complete this game. We have lost countless hours of sleep worrying about this, as well as the blood sweat and tears that have gone into this project. There is no way in this universe that we would let your financial sacrifices, not to mention the hard work and time away from our families just get thrown away like that. THIS GAME WILL GET FINISHED.
Of course, the comments are open for you to say what you will. We respect everyone’s right to say what you want and give us your thoughts, whether it be positivity or negativity, but we will continue to keep our noses to the grind stone and focus on getting this thing done, as opposed to dwelling on negativity.
Regardless of how you feel about the project and it’s pace, we thank you for your support and continued patience.
Chris Pope a.k.a your humble local intergalactic SpacePope