Hours (days worth!) now as a play list thanks to Let’s Play Sierra Games channel.
Monthly Archives: March 2020
Spaceventure Update #121: Two Guys SpaceVenture
Hey everyone! Thank you all so much for your patience in waiting on this update. We know it has been a long time coming. We’ve been debating on bringing up personal issues due to it sounding like excuses. However, we decided to at least let you all know that Mark and Chris both lost their mothers during a span of time in the last few months. This is not the only reason for a slow update, but we hope you’ll understand that it has played a role in delaying things further. I am happy to report that things are getting back to normal for the team.
For months we have hoped for this update to have a doable release date in it. It took some time for us to get things to a point to where we felt good about a date that seems possible.
First off, where are we on the game right now?
- All the main scenes of the game are completed, including the intro and ending game sequences
- Parts of the game are still being properly connected so everything plays from sequence to sequence
- Parts of the game are going through a polish phase right now
- Almost all of the VO has been added to the game. There are a few small parts that still need to be added
- The game still has some missing SFX and music that need to be added.
- More death sequences are being added
- Some fun Easter eggs are being added
- Game credits have not been put in yet, but that is on our radar
- We will be doing beta testing on a very large scale as soon as we feel we are ready. Backers that backed at a high enough level will receive access to beta testing
- The save game system is going through a revamp to make things work better and have a bit more polish
Our Gantt chart shows that June is a reachable date so long as everything goes as planned. If June gets close and we feel things continue to run behind, we’ll post another update and let you know. Either way, the game is close and you can look forward to seeing it finally get released soon. We will be releasing the game for digital download in English first and hope to have the localization stuff done in the not too distant future. Once everything is ironed out with the digital downloads, we will be going through getting the physical copies done. Please do not worry about sending us mailing information yet. When we are ready to mail out the physical rewards, we will send out a questionnaire on Kickstarter that will allow you all to update us on that information.
In the last update, we mentioned having video game boxes printed. We got that done and here is a glimpse of some of the boxes stacked up and ready to be folded:
We have two more VO interview videos for you all involving our fantastic cast of voice actors for SpaceVenture. The first video here features actress Melanie Stone(Mythica series fame)https://youtu.be/cLxb5McqHUs
Last up, we have Jake Stormoen, also known for his role on the Mythica series as well as Outpost and Extinct.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYBB2eKRaCw&feature=youtu.be
As usual, thank you all for your patience as we head to the finish line!
Hero-U Update #120: Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption

We’re doing a live stream today on Twitch at 3 pm PDT. Our channel is https://www.twitch.tv/transolargames and the theme is “Go Green” in honor of the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day and Shawn O’Conner’s “Eirish” heritage.
We’ll run live games and contests for Fabulous Prizes, some Q&A, and Lori will read chapter 12 of her Quest for Glory inspired novel “By the Book.”