Monthly Archives: April 2012
SpaceVenture Video!
Those Two Guys From Andromeda are in full swing!
(Click the Image below for more! Or watch the video!)
Leisure Suit Larry HD – More News!
So To Sum It Up…
Spaceventure – what YOU can do to help!
What can you do to help those TWO GUYS FROM ANDROMEDA?
Well, directly from their site:
We have gotten an insane amount of requests from fans asking about how they could help. Honestly, right now we really just need your help getting the word out. Without confirming or denying anything, lets just say, how fast the word spreads and how much traction on the internet that is captivated might have a direct affect on exactly what you fans have been hoping and begging for!
So how can you help?
1. Add the official Two Guys Facebook banner to your Facebook page.
2. Give us a follow on Twitter and attack those twitter followers like a blue bird chasing an angry drenched astro chicken!
3. You love the internet, you love tubes, the internet just happens to be made of tubes! But you know what? The internet wouldn’t be much without you and the tubes! In Andromeda, that is code for subscribe to our YouTube feed and please comment and give us a thumbs up!
4. Subscribe to our newsletter! You’ll find the form for that in the upper right hand corner of the site.
To Space… And Beyond! Or However That Saying Goes…
It’s a good time to be an “Old School” Sierra Fan. It started with Al Lowe and Josh Mandel working on a Kickstart campaign to get a retooled Leisure Suit Larry 1. Then, Jane Jensen of Gabriel Knight fame (who has, by the way put out a new game entitled GRAY MATTER – check it out – NOW!), announced she would be launching her own company called Pinkerton Road where she would work on new games; and we all hoped, perhaps, if the company does well, barter with Activision (who holds the rights to Gabriel Knight)… But even if that doesn’t happen, Gray Matter is amazing, and a sequel would be a VERY welcomed process (especially entirely up to Jane’s commands, with no other company breathing down her neck!). Life can’t get any better right?
As it turns out, in space… no one can hear you scream in fits of JOY!

That’s right! The Two Guys From Andromeda are back together! While they may not be working on a new Space Quest game, they are working on a new Space-venture game!
Check out their new site:

The Beautiful Ladies of Leisure Suit Larry VII! (And Peggy too!)
Some Leisure Suit Larry. And Some Pink. It DOES Sound Dirty, Doesn’t It?
Leisure Suit Larry on Kickstarter!

That’s right! Al Lowe is working with Replay Games to helm the return – well, the revisiting! – of LEISURE SUIT LARRY: LAND OF THE LOUNGE LIZARDS… RELOADED! This isn’t a hoax. This isn’t an April Fools. This is real. Al Lowe. Leisure Suit Larry. Teaming up ONCE AGAIN! But they need YOUR HELP! Leisure Suit Larry on Kickstarter!
Leisure Suit Larry on Kickstarter!
Here’s a word from Al Lowe:
And let’s not forget ANOTHER Sierra Legend – Jane Jensen (Gabriel Knight creator!) has her own Kickstarter and project going that could also use your support!

For starters, a new studio by Jane Jensen and her husband, and music composer, Robert Holmes entitled Pinkerton Road. After you check out the site and see concept art for Moebius, Anglophile Adventure and most importantly Gray Matter 2 you can stop by Jane’s Kickstarter Site and donate if you can! (For the kids, there’s also a Lola & Lucy’s Big Adventure! for more about that e-book!
If you’re reading this and you’re not sure who Jane Jensen or Robert Holmes are – well, first you’re probably on the wrong internet page, and may want to hit BACK on your browser. But in case you don’t know WHO they are but now you WANT to know – well, here – let me grab it from their About Page:
About Jane Jensen
A 20-year veteran of the gaming industry, Jane Jensen is an internationally renowned game designer. Her Gabriel Knight PC adventure games won numerous industry awards and continue to be fan favorites in the adventure community. In 2003, Jane co-founded Oberon Media and went on to design best-selling casual games such as Deadtime Stories, Women’s Murder Club, and the recent hit Dying for Daylight. Her newest adventure game, Gray Matter, came out in November 2010 to great anticipation and praise. She most recently worked at Zynga. Jane has also written four novels. Fans are invited to connect with her on Facebook.
Connect with Jane on Facebook
Follow Jane on Twitter
About Robert Holmes
Robert Holmes is a composer, producer, musician, and strategic digital marketing executive. Having grown up as a musician and performer in the glory days of LA’s 1970s rock and roll period, Robert later moved from pop music studio work into film and television post-production and scoring. Seeing opportunities in the new computer game industry, he joined Sierra On-Line and was soon paired with designer Jane Jensen. His music has appeared in numerous video games, notably including Jane’s Gabriel Knight and Gray Matter adventures. Robert also performs with his daughter, actress / singer Raleigh Holmes, in the roots/folk band The Scarlet Furies.
The Scarlet Furies on Facebook
About Pinkerton Road
Pinkerton Road was founded in 2012 to focus on story-based games for PC download, iPad, and Android tablets. The game studio is based in Lancaster County, PA. If you’re interested in learning more about the company or becoming an investor, please contact them by email.
Help Larry… uh, Come Again.
Here’s a word from Al Lowe: