Hey everyone! As promised, we wanted to give you a more detailed look at all the voice over that has gone into SpaceVenture. In the last update, we had not yet flown to California to record the VO.
Back in the middle of August, Mark Crowe, Ken Allen, and myself(Chris Pope) flew to Los Angeles for five full days of voice over with some extremely talented people!
We have been pushing hard to get the VO working in the game and have made some headway but still have a long way to go. In this update, I am gonna feature a few of the actors in the game along with their VO. This will be “Part 1”, but I will post another update involving all this once we’ve got more of the VO in the game to demo for you all!
I’m also excited to announce two of the biggest roles in the game, right now!

In the last update, we gave you a little of Maurice’s background, so I won’t do that now, but if you didn’t know, Maurice is one of the top voice actors in animation. If you’re not familiar with the characters he has voiced, please check out his mile long IMDB page. We were absolutely blown away by Maurice’s audition for Ace, and(once in the booth) how quickly he took direction to make Ace Hardway come to life. I won’t lie, after working on this game for six years, I got a little teary eyed standing there in the studio and getting to finally hear the voice of Ace Hardway speak dialog for the first time!
Here is a sit down I did with Maurice to talk a little about his history as an actor:

You are all probably chomping at the bit to get a chance to hear what Ace Hardway sounds like, so without further ado, here is a video featuring a cutscene with Ace Hardway(Maurice LaMarche) and Mervin Spleen(Rob Paulsen).

Rob Paulsen is another amazing voice actor with mile long credits just like Maurice. Rob did numerous characters for us in SpaceVenture that we will reveal as time goes on, but the one you saw in the above video is a character named Mervin Spleen. Here is behind the scenes sit down I did with Rob Paulsen.


The voice of the narrator is something we did not announce in the last update because we were still confirming things. Well we are happy to announce, we did finally settle on the narrator for the game and we have officially recorded the narrator VO as well. As you all know, we originally had the late Gary Owens on board to be the narrator for the game just like he narrated the later Space Quest games in the past.
For a couple of years now, we have gone back and forth on whether to find someone who could sound like Gary, or go a completely different direction. Within the last few months, we finally decided that we wanted to go with a happy medium and find someone that could parody Gary’s awesome sarcastic tone. We also thought it would be neat to honor Gary in a some ways. SpaceVenture will have some dedications to Gary and will include a scene that you, the player, will be a part of that pays tribute to Gary. Not gonna spoil that here though. You’ll find out when you play the game.

I have a lot more to show you all coming up in the next update, but here are some teaser small clips we posted on Facebook that will hopefully tide you over.
Jake Stormoen and Melanie Stone

Vince Caso

Robert Clotworthy




For awhile now, Scott has wanted to keep things private about what has been going on with him, and we have honored that. With his permission, we are gonna give you all a little info of what has been happening in his life.
Not too far after finishing the game design planning with Mark on SpaceVenture, Scott began having severe medical problems which has now escalated to an aggressive form of prostate cancer.
The good news: Scott was able to get surgery and currently it seems that the surgery was a success.
The bad news: With all that has happened, Scott ran up well over $30,000 in medical bills in doing so, and still has more procedures he needs to have done to make sure his health is in order.
On top of his current — as well as future — medical bills, Scott is also trying to pay the normal bills we all deal with. A place to live, utility bills, food, etc. With reluctance, Scott has given us permission to do a GoFundMe campaign to ease the financial stress that’s accumulated on top of the ordeal of recovering from prostate cancer. He is very appreciative of any help any of you can give his way.
Please keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages as we are gonna do some promotions to help raise money for Scott through the GoFundMe page. Troels, aka the Space Quest Historian will be doing some live streaming to help get the word out as well!
We know you would probably like more information. We will give more information as Scott allows.

If you’ve been living under an asteroid and haven’t heard, Lori and Corey Cole(makers of the Quest for Glory series) have released their new game, “Hero U”. If you haven’t already checked it out, you should! It’s getting great reviews!
Here are some links of interest: Hero U Website: http://www.hero-u.com/
YouTube video explaining “Why you should buy”
Thanks everyone!
Chris Pope a.k.a your humble local intergalactic SpacePope