Category Archives: Uncategorized
A look back to July 9th, 1990…
Not Leisure Suit Larry related, but Sierra related…

There’s a huge thread with more photos on Sierra Help: http://forums.sierrahelp.com/viewtopic.php?p=73674&hilit=upload#p73674
Space Quest Machinima – Episode 02.
I was digging through my external hard drive and stumbled across this again. These were made back in 2005 (May of 2005 to be exact!) – and the original channel I uploaded them on is long gone. I had created a second channel called “SpaceQuestMachinima” – but that ties to an email address I no longer have access to. So I thought, for the sake of preservation of my madness, I would upload it to my Let’s Play Sierra Games channel. The original format of this video was .WMV (Windows Movie File, ugh). I still have all the original audio and everything. Who knows, maybe one day redo it. It only lasted two episodes, because I was just messing around back then (having just started getting into machinima). So here’s the second episode called “As Long As There’s No…”
Space Quest Machinima – Episode 01.
I was digging through my external hard drive and stumbled across this again. These were made back in 2005 (May of 2005 to be exact!) – and the original channel I uploaded them on is long gone. I had created a second channel called “SpaceQuestMachinima” – but that ties to an email address I no longer have access to. So I thought, for the sake of preservation of my madness, I would upload it to my Let’s Play Sierra Games channel. The original format of this video was .WMV (Windows Movie File, ugh). I still have all the original audio and everything. Who knows, maybe one day redo it. It only lasted two episodes, because I was just messing around back then (having just started getting into machinima). So here’s the first episode called “The Red Pill.”
Legend of Kyrandia – Book 3 Music.
Legend of Kyrandia – Book 2 Music.
Legend of Kyrandia – Book 1 Music.
Though not Sierra (it’s close enough!) – here’s the music to Legend of Kyrandia 1.
Conquest of Camelot – Commentary.
Hero-U Project Update #150: by Corey and Lori Ann Cole by Corey Cole

Slow-playing Hero’s Quest (Quest for Glory 1 VGA) on Twitch tomorrow
We’re making slow, but continuous, progress on Summer Daze: Ifeyo’s Adventure. We aren’t promising a release date at this point, because it will be finished when it’s ready.
In the meantime, Lori and I connect with fans on our Discord and bi-weekly (every second week) Twitch streams.
To join our Discord, search for Transolar Games under public Discord servers. We have active conversations ranging from politics to puns, Quest for Glory to Hero-U, films, music, and more. #punitentiary is where we imprison the most despicable (aka best) puns.
Our Twitch streams are every other Saturday starting at 2 pm U.S. Pacific time. In the last two streams, we started a “slow-play” of the original EGA Hero’s Quest aka Quest for Glory 1. We’ll continue that tomorrow (Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024) at 2 pm PST. That’s 5 pm on the U.S. East Coast, Sunday morning Down Under, and so on. (I look it up by “current time in Los Angeles,” from an old habit.)
Join the stream at transolargames – Twitch.
After that, the next stream will be on Saturday, Feb. 24 at the same time. In addition to slowly playing the game, Lori and I answer questions and talk about Sierra and other game topics.
If you miss a stream, no problem. Even if you don’t miss one, check out our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@Herou-Game. I export all of our streams to the channel. It’s also the place to find Lori reading her book with Mishell Baker, “By the Book,” which was inspired by Hero’s Quest.
Conquest of Camelot playthrough
I always forget how beautiful (especially the music in this game!) and the story is (so rare, the main character’s love interest is a love triangle).
The arcade sequence with the ice – was too much. Even when I figured out what to do – I felt like it was too many screens. The timing of the boars and spear was a pain – because it was difficult to get that right – and not being able to save the progress was a further pain. The Black Knight took a few shots to figure out how to knock him off his horse. I liked the riddles and the references back to the goddesses – but that’s why I probably didn’t play this as much as I always did other games – because there’s a lot of referencing back to the manual (which until I got it on gog, I didn’t have an easy way – now I have the pdf).
I made two versions – the first is my play through, including where I hit a dead end (which was after the ice bit, sigh) – when I didn’t have enough money to book passage to Gaza (which was 2 hours and some change into the game!). The second one, I did something different – after the prayers – I went back to the treasury and refilled the bag full of coins again. I also didn’t give as much money to the hunter in the woods. The second video is obviously shorter, since it doesn’t include the dead end.