Hi out there to all of our wonderful backer folks. It’s time for our bi-monthly SpaceVenture update! First off, things are moving along really well right now. We have made a good deal of progress in getting certain scenes close to the finish line. Multiple game puzzle sequences have also been completed in the past two weeks, including the crazy pipes puzzle I mentioned in the last update.
As a side note, I posted some more information about that scene in a developer diary on the SpaceVenture Rewards website for you $30 and up backers. Don’t forget that all the developer diaries will be available to all backers once the game is shipped. You can check out that post HERE. WARNING: If you can’t log onto the rewards website, please contact pcj@andromedanpost.com
I have a couple of cool things to show you today, one of which you might be able to help us come up with some funny content for.

We’d love for you to help us come up with 101 uses for a frosty cup of Soylent Smoothee! Some of the best lines might just get mentioned in SpaceVenture itself 😉
Submit your comments HERE
Another thing I’d like to show you involves a certain ship that we’ve already introduced you to in the demo. Warning, this may be a little spoilery! It’s no secret that people are trying to escape the ship called Nostrodomus right in the intro of the game. See here:

Well we’ve been sitting on this epic explosion scene for quite some time now, but recently our Principal Composer and Sound Designer Ken Allen put some SFX on the scene to make it even more epic! See video below:
Something happened last week that put this week’s planned podcast topic on hold. Well, that, and some unforeseen complications. So this podcast is all about the freeware game Serena and what a very special collaborative experience it was making for and by the adventure gaming community. We’ve also got some startling news from Pete Toleman, who was last seen fleeing from some rather unsavory types and who had a Kickstarter out to save his company; the amazing Chris Pope regales us with some more news about the SpaceVenture; and, to cap everything off, we’ve got the fine gentlemen of rock, Brandon Blume and Ken Allen, with part 2 of their New Year’s chat. It’s a very special episode, unlike all the other episodes which weren’t special at all.

The amazing Josh Mandel / Al Lowe’s Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded
Jane Jensen’s Moebius and Pinkerton Road Studio / GABRIEL KNIGHT: SINS OF THE FATHERS 20TH ANNIVERSARY
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption by the Quest for Glory designers – Corey Cole and Lori Cole
Under The Half Dome: An Album by Sierra Composer, Ken Allen
Thanks for all of your support everyone!
Chris Pope a.k.a your humble local intergalactic SpacePope