In the previous post, just six hours ago, I asked, “What can we accomplish in 20 hours?” Part of the answer is now in. In the last six hours, we gained 200 new backers (over 5,600 of us now!) and cut the distance to the goal from $33,000 to less than $17,000. Wonderful work, everyone!
This is just a quick post before I get a few hours of sleep.

Will we accept PayPal pledges for Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption?
Yes, we will. We are waiting until after the Kickstarter closes before offering PayPal contributions. Then we will start accepting them on the Hero-U web site: http://www/ is the home page, and will have a link to the “Hero-U Store”. We expect to offer Kickstarter-like reward tiers for two or three months. All of those purchases will count towards project stretch goals.
The store will remain open after those 2-3 months, but purchases will count towards “game sales” rather than our stretch goals. This is an important distinction for developer royalties, possible future investors, and the Kicking It Forward campaign I mentioned in the last update.
Late-Breaking News
Erik Kain of Forbes Magazine posted:
Anthony Ha of TechCrunch posted:
Lori and I answered questions about the project (and some Quest for Glory questions) on reddit at:
And in case you have time on your hands, here’s the “Home Stretch Chat” we held on Google+.
Thank you all for your support, and let’s see how far we can go in the final 16 hours!