It’s Alive!
It’s been a hectic two days with a few “teething problems,” but we Have A Launch!
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is now available on Steam at:
and on GOG at: https://www.gog.com/game/
We’re also reworking our web site. The front page has links to Steam, GOG, our Facebook page, and so on: http://www.hero-u.com/.
About Those Steam and GOG Keys
Between launch issues and trying to make sure backers got game keys as soon as possible, I managed to create some confusion. Here’s the skinny:
- I decided to provide a Steam key to EVERY backer.
- All Alpha and Beta level backers have both Steam and GOG keys.
- Other backers who requested a GOG key will get one soon.
- “Beta-Only” – that’s actually your live Steam key
- “Steam Beta Key” – that’s also your live Steam key
The confusing names hearken back to the beta test. Everyone who got a Steam beta key then has been updated to have the live version of the game now.
The Next Game Patch
Even before we launched the game, we were thinking about changes we want to make that we couldn’t safely include in the launch. There are some errors in the game books, a few dialogues and game events that could use tweaking, and at least one known “game-locking” bug.
(If you see a plaque labeled “Pyoter,” it’s best not to click on it. There was a bad line of code that freezes the game.) We will also keep a close eye on player reports and feedback over the next few months.
We will probably release a patch with these and other minor fixes in about a month, after which patches should be rare.
Incidentally, several players with Ultra High Definition monitors have reported serious animation issues in the game. This is a general Unity issue that we’ve also seen reported for other games. The solution – set your monitor refresh rate to 60 Hz. That seems to fix the problem.
Physical Goods and Future Games
We still have some work to do on the Art Book, Bestiary, Soundtrack, Yearbook, and boxed copies of Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption. We expect to ship posters next month, new digital assets as they become ready, and boxed games in late October or early November.
We’ve started concept and art design on not one, but two, upcoming games. One is a smaller casual game we’re calling Summer Daze at Hero-U. The other is of course the second series game, Hero-U: Wizard’s Way. We’re committed to creating innovative, enjoyable games.