We hope those of you that celebrate Thanksgiving are doing well and are having a good recovery from your food comas! I know for us, we are very thankful for all of you, and cannot wait to show you all what we’ve been working on.
More updates to our event driven system have been added to account for some missing capabilities. Namely, we wanted to be able to adjust certain things in the game based on the distance that Ace/Rooter were from certain objects. Example, let’s say that you want to look at an object that is on the other side of the screen, however Ace is on the opposite side of the screen. Shouldn’t the narrative dialogue be different depending on distance? Especially if something is currently blocking Ace from reaching the object. The recent modifications have made that possible.
You’ve seen us mention Event Driven stuff quite a bit. Our senior developer has posted on the SpaceVenture Rewards website about “What is an Event Driven Object?”. Reading his write up will help understand things a little better. You can read it here. Also, if you have problems logging onto the SVRewards website, please email pcj@andromedanpost.com
Another thing that has been a focus as of late is changes to the user interface of the game. We have never been happy with the UI. As much as we love the old sierra style UI, we are really pushing for something that relates to that but is more intuitive. A lot of ideas have been passed back and forth and some great mock ups have come out for that. Eventually I hope to show you all some of what has been put together.
As for what Mark and his team have been working on in terms of artwork, they have also made some great progress. New character artwork has been completed as well as scenery. I’ve been pestering Mark to let me show off some of what he’s been working on and he finally released a small piece for you all to check out.
This scene happens about 3/4 of the way through the game. I don’t want to spoil too much, but you can probably assume certain things about the predicament that Ace finds himself in here.

The Historian climbs his soapbox and talks about the myth of the female gaming market, with the gracious help of real, actual females like Say Mistage, Cassie Benter and Serena Nelson, along with the indispensable wisdom of Professor Jess and Guy From Andromeda, Scott Murphy. There’s also another installment of the Space Quest IV soundtrack rundown by fan musician Brandon Blume and SQ4 composer Ken Allen, as well as an informative segment on the graphic style of Infamous Quest’s Space Quest II remake by artist Jeremy Kitchen.

The amazing Josh Mandel / Al Lowe’s Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded
Jane Jensen’s Moebius and Pinkerton Road Studio / GABRIEL KNIGHT: SINS OF THE FATHERS 20TH ANNIVERSARY
Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption by the Quest for Glory designers – Corey Cole and Lori Cole
Thanks for all of your support everyone!
Chris Pope a.k.a your humble local intergalactic SpacePope