Just a couple of brief notes today, and then onto something I know will make everyone salivate.
N-Fusion completed their second milestone last week: the fully navigable game, using rough artwork and the music extracted from the VGA version of the game. No puzzles yet, but this way we’ll be able to see new animations, backgrounds, and features plug into the existing game as they’re readied.
I fully expect us to have at least one or two exciting announcements VERY soon about the music. Selections have been made, details are being worked out, but I don’t want to post anything until all the ink on the contracts are dry.
We had an outstanding reaction to our Social Media department’s request last time around. We’ve put some *exclusive* behind-the-scenes photos and concept artwork onto Replay Games Facebook page (you have to have “Liked” Replay Games to access it, and we’ll be adding new exclusive artwork to that page occasionally). I also have a new message from the Social Media department regarding a quasipolitical battle going on behind the scenes here (which has made for some very uncomfortable situations):
In case you weren’t aware, our pal Larry has his own Facebook page at http://facebook.com/TheLarryLaffer and now is the PERFECT time to Like his page. Larry has apparently decided to run for King of Daventry. By Liking his page, you can stay up-to-date with the latest political attack ads, platform decisions, and even responses from his opponent. Of course, Larry also provides regular doses of his own special brand of comedy and musings. All of this can be yours for the low, low price of a button click.
Okay. It’s time to reveal what many people would agree is the single most emblematic image in the game: the front of Lefty’s, as reimagined, polished, and finished by heroic artist Colin Merlo and the dedicated men and women of N-Fusion. View it and weep.

‘Til we meet again,