Al Lowe, Jane Jense, and meeting their Kickstarter Goals!

Al Lowe talks about fleshing out Leisure Suit Larry in the new remake on Gamasutra website.

Also, over on Pinkerton Road, Jane Jensen talks a little more about what’s happening over there…

There’s even more on this on the Pinkerton Road Kickstarter Page.

Speaking of the Pinkerton Road Kickstarter, Jane added:

Now that we’ve hit our $300K goal (and thank you all for that!), people have been asking what we’d do if we get extra funding. Of course, as a designer, I want to make Moebius as big and awesome as it could possibly be! After all, that’s my job.

But, as always, there will be concessions to budget and time that we’ll have to make, even though we have creative control over the project.

So my own goal: it would be fantastic to see this kickstarter reach $400K by closing to be able to make the dream as big as it can get. To inspire you, here are some things we can afford with additional funding:

If we get to $350K: We’ll add an additional area (3 screens) and puzzle set I have in mind for Venice that would look awesome and extend gameplay.

If we get to $400K: We’ll add a longer, fully cinematic opening sequence / trailer that will blow you away and help us get people lining up to buy the game, setting the tone for this new Pinkerton Road series.

If we get to $450K: All the above, plus an extra 1000 lines of dialogue to flush out the game and we’ll record the main theme with a live orchestra (Bob is drooling over that one).

I hope you were as inspired by the new art we put up yesterday as I am. Go Team Moebius!

You can read more about that here.

And what’s all this without some crazy GABRIEL KNIGHT marathon, right?

Check this out:

I hope you all have a boring and uneventful weekend planned, because there’s some serious gaming going on.

One of our CSG members, Laura, is hosting a 24-hour GK play marathon. She’ll be playing GK1, GK2 and GK3, live, starting FRIDAY MAY 11 at 2pm EST. Here’s the link:

You’ll be able to watch the playthrough and join chat. The playthrough will be raising money that will be split between this kickstarter project and the charity of our choice, ASPCA.

Robert and I will be joining in for the first hour or so and checking in periodically throughout. I hope you’ll tune in to cheer on this monumental display of will power and sheer physical strength as Laura submerges herself non-stop in GK land for 24 hours, and all without food, sleep or potty breaks. OK, she will have food and potty breaks, but it’s still impressive!

And lastly, Jane shared:

We’re getting close to the ‘end times’ my friends, the last days of our kickstarter campaign! I will keep this Update #22 current with the latest info. Here’s the schedule of events:

THURS, May 10

— Moebius T-shirt, Moebius block, T-shirt poll

FRI, May 11

— Laura’s 24-hour GK marathon starts at noon PST, 3pm EST

Time and date clock for this event:

To watch and chat, go here:

I’ll be on live for at least the first hour on Friday.

SAT, May 12

— 7-8:30am PST / 10-11:30 EST — Laura’s GK marathon continues. I’ll be on at this time hopefully to catch the end of GK2 and start of GK3.

— 11:30 am PST/ 2:30pm EST — I’ll check in with Laura as she’s finishing up her all nighter! and then…

— noon PST/3pm EST — I’ll be on the Double Fine Game Club playthrough of GK1

SUN, May 13

— 3pm EST – Bob and I do a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” live chat. Please come by and ask us something! I’ll post the link in comments when we’re live.

THURS, May 17 (?? date to be confirmed)

— An extra special treat! Will Binder (director), Dean Erickson (Gabriel), Peter Lucas (Von Glower) and I will be having a chat session to shoot the shit about the GK2 production. How cool is that? We’re going to be recording it earlier in the week and it may be podcast on the 17th. Still waiting for final confirmation on the podcast, but we WILL be doing this chat session and you WILL get to hear it this week!

SAT, May 19

— Countdown to close of campaign — stay tuned for details
