Post Update – From Paul Trowe.

From the Kickstarter Update:

Hey again you guys!!!

Well, I took all of your advice and I got some good rest Wednesday and Thursday. So now that I’m well rested, what do I do? I’m back at the office at 1:25am catching up on the 302 unread emails from the past 2 days. Ugh. LOL

Anyway, I promised you guys I’d keep posting here so I’m doing my best. I’m literally having to pry my eyes open while I write this since I’m pretty exhausted but I told you I’d do it, so I’m doing it, gang!!

Now, let’s get down to business! Since all 14,000+ backers made it past the $650k mark you guys get more rooms, another girl, and all new dialogue in the game (from hitting the $550k tier too!). The bad news is, this has serious ramifications on our ship date. We were originally planning on shipping in October but since we have to pretty much design a TON of new stuff (which I think is extremely positive), there is no way in hell we’re going to make October 2012. We MAY be able to make December but honestly, I’d rather launch the game after the holiday season and put a lot of polish (no, not Pole-ish…I said polish!) on the game and make sure we have beta tested it enough to release. There is nothing I can’t stand more than a game that was released “to make Christmas” that is just riddled with bugs (anybody remember some unnamed PC games that would ship super buggy in hopes the patch would come out before the game hit the shelves?). So anyway, that’s the bad news.

The good news is that I’ve created a blog!! I have never blogged in my entire life but I feel that now is a damn good time to start. You guys motivated me by asking for constant updates so the way we’re going to deliver them to you is via the Replay Games forum. So far we have 2 sections: “Announcements/News” and “Paul’s development blog”. Here’s the link to the READ ONLY section of the forums: Replay read only forums. I suggest you bookmark it since I plan on blogging pretty much every day on what’s going on. I’m not saying I won’t post here (like a lot of you guys want), but it just makes sense to keep things in one place. If you don’t feel like going through the multiple forums to find what you’re looking for (and reading reply after reply after reply) then you’re going to love those 2 sections.

Ok, it’s 2am and I seriously need to get to bed. I haven’t been skydiving since before the Kickstarter campaign and I really need to relieve some stress so I’m taking the weekend off (please don’t hate me) and am going to jump out of a perfectly good airplane as many times as I can between tomorrow and Sunday.

Until next time, your humble servant,
